
Showing posts from September, 2011

Settled in...

Well, I've settled back in to my Florida life and I'm back at work.  The batteries are charging for my cameras so get ready to see Florida.  Do you remember earlier this year when I had posted about the duck nest at the office building I work at and the momma duck just sitting on an empty nest?  After quizzing the office staff of this event they told me she sat on that empty nest until about a month ago.  Unfortunately they believe someone did not like the fact that she was sitting in the front of the building because a duck was found dead in the pond behind the building.  Now before you get all teary eyed; they are not sure if that was her.  The pond is not the healthiest looking pond so it could have been the toxic water that killed it.  We will never know.  But the good news is there is another duck in the nest and as of yesterday there were 4 eggs in the nest.  So let's see where this takes us.  Have a great day! 

Hello to Florida...

Well, I'm back "home" in Florida and have spent the past several days just relaxing and trying to get control of my hair with the higher humidity and that will take a while, a very long while.  The dogs are very happy to be out of the truck.  It is just a very long drive especially since I do it all in one day with no other drivers....yes one very long day, with very little sleep which is not a good combination, but we arrived safe and sound.  Today it is also back to work.  I stopped by the office yesterday just to see everyone and get the "first" day jitters out of the way.  Just like going to school on the first day, well not really, I'm not riding the bus!! Have a great day everyone!

Good bye....

to Irene...  What a storm she was!  Our boat made it without a scratch along with many others here on the Chesapeake Bay.  Now onto the next phase which is to see if the family interested in buying her is still interested.  We should know more early next week.  They have a sea trial; similar to a home inspection but in this case they take the boat out in the water and test all the equipment, etc on her and then just like a home inspection write up a report.  Keep your fingers crossed!!  We have enjoyed owning a boat but it's time for other things.  Also good bye to my friends in Pennsylvania as I head back to Florida.  I know it is very early but it's back to work next week at the job I have down there.  They were gracious enough to hold it for me.  I suppose I was a very good employee!!   I'm looking forward to returning to my friend in Florida and getting back to work.  So watch for great photos from Florida!!  Everyone have a great week and enjoy those picnics you wi