Settled in...

Well, I've settled back in to my Florida life and I'm back at work.  The batteries are charging for my cameras so get ready to see Florida. 

Do you remember earlier this year when I had posted about the duck nest at the office building I work at and the momma duck just sitting on an empty nest?  After quizzing the office staff of this event they told me she sat on that empty nest until about a month ago.  Unfortunately they believe someone did not like the fact that she was sitting in the front of the building because a duck was found dead in the pond behind the building.  Now before you get all teary eyed; they are not sure if that was her.  The pond is not the healthiest looking pond so it could have been the toxic water that killed it.  We will never know. 

But the good news is there is another duck in the nest and as of yesterday there were 4 eggs in the nest.  So let's see where this takes us. 

Have a great day! 


  1. Welcome back to Florida! Can't wait to see all the upcoming photos.
    Poor ducky.......
    Miss you!
    Dee Dee

  2. Better luck to the mama duck this time. Keep us posted.

  3. I visited my brother in Florida last year. I would so love to go back, but for the time being I'm going to have to make do with looking at pictures! Definitely looking forward to seeing yours!!


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