
Here we are in June already; where has the past 5 months gone! 

As spring approaches and the snow has melted we start thinking about where we may want to spend time with friends cruising the Chesapeake Bay on our boat.   Her name is "Non-Cents" and we've owned her for 11 years.   My, my, my how time flies. She sleeps at least 6 people although we have never had that many people stay over at one time.  We have an inflatable boat we hang off the back to get around in places that is not deep enough to get with the big boat plus we need something to get the dogs to shore when we anchor out for the night or a weekend.  We spend weekends on the boat even if we do not leave the slip. We have met many great people along with way.  She is big enough to live aboard but I have not convinced my husband to give up his land legs and try for a year.  As he puts it "where is the garage"!  Believe me when you buy an older boat there are plenty of things that need fixing and then you have the washing, compounding and wax part......

This summer we get to introduce the dogs to boating. We've had Colby and Jackson down that past two weekends and you would think that they have been boating before.  Very relaxed, comfortable, in the a/c all day and getting carried out to the pet walk area of the marina.  Life is ruff!

Here they are hanging out up on the bridge.

They had such an exhausting day it was time for a nap.  

So stay tuned over the summer months for pictures of places we go, people we met and of course the dogs...


  1. Aren't they adorable!
    Do the dogs have life vests?

    You have a beautiful ~~~~~~boat~~~~~~

  2. What fun! Looks like a great way to spend your summer :)

  3. It looks like they have taken to the boat really well. :-) I can't get over how much Colby reminds me SO MUCH of Tyffin. They are adorable!! Theta

  4. So cute! I took my dogs on a ferry ride once. It wasn't pretty!

  5. My , my it looks like the boys are getting along real well these days! (or you got them tired enough to to lay together for the photos!)
    If my dear Uncle doesn't want to "live" on the boat.... I would be more than happy to join you for an adventure! hee, hee!
    Dee Dee

  6. Here in Seattle, whenever we get on a boat, all of us, that are so inclined, start singing that famous Disney tune....'YO HO YO HO, A PIRATES LIFE FOR ME'

  7. You are so lucky! What an awesome boat!

  8. Love the name of your boat. And owning a boat is definitely in the "non-cents" category, isn't it. More like "all-dollar". We owned an old fishing boat that we converted to a live-a-board and it was just like setting our money on fire. But it was so much fun. Have a great summer and keep posting pics of your two little cuties.


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