Flowers, flowers....

Ready or not summer is around the corner.  Just a sign that it has arrived; the lillies are from my flower beds.  What started out as a single leftover lilly several years ago has grown into this huge lilly.  I love the pink color. 

I added an tiger lilly a few years later and now that one is spreading into another big one.

Enjoy and have a great rest of your day !!


  1. We have a Lilly festival out here in Washington near the city of LaConner. But we don't call them Lillies. We call them Tulips. Your tulips are beautiful.

  2. Jude --I am SO glad I found your blog!! Your flowers are beautiful. I'm going back after I post this comment to read some of your past posts. Just wanted you to know I've appreciated your comments on FT-L; I've had trouble finding an address to get back to you.

    Thanks again -- back soon.

  3. These are just so pretty!
    Dee Dee

  4. Your "Lillies" are beautiful and no, we don't call them Tulips in Washington. I'll be talking with Tom about the differences.

    I didn't know that Lillies multiplied. This is exciting, because I have some and hope they expand.

  5. You would know by now that I LOVE lilies! Yours are beautiful! I share some with my mom, and she shares with me. I could have them everywhere. We have a "Turk's Cap" lily that grows wild here that is breathtaking. It's orange, and some have the freckles, but I love the ones with just that beautiful orange color. Thanks for stopping by:-)

  6. We have a lily patch in the corner of our yard but the blooms have become far and few between. I wonder if it is too crowded. Yours are beautiful ~ perfect, cheerful colors . . .


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