Where has the time gone.....

How is it that the end of the year is so close?  I wish I knew what the heck happened to this year but I will not waste any time thinking back as to where did the time go.

So, what have I been up to. Well, I have been playing around with my DSLR camera more than before, although I have not posted a lot of pictures, that will happen next year.  I have been watching, probably way too many, YouTube videos on sailing and boy are they great and amazing people.  I started to teach myself how to edit videos, which can be challenging. 

It is amazing how many people have said enough of living a life dictated by others just to make the all mighty dollar for stuff they thought they needed but really didn't.   They sell all their stuff, buy a sailboat and head out for the adventure of a lifetime!! 

So, I have taken sailing lessons and joined a sailing club.  No, I'm not ready to cross the Atlantic just yet, however you just never know!!!  I have passed the two required classes in order to take the sailboat out without a captain!!!  Woohoo!!  Next year is going to be amazing so be sure to keep watch on my blog and I will also be starting my own YouTube channel with videos of my adventures!

I hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas and New Year!!! 


  1. This is exciting!
    Sailing.....wind in your hair, smelling the fresh air, what an accomplishment. I'm looking forward to seeing what you are up to this coming year.
    Merry Christmas!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful new adventure. You rock Judy!


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