At peace...

It is amazing what a calming feeling being near or on the water has, at least for me.  It is peaceful, it removes whatever I had on my mind and gives me rest.

This picture was one of my earlier sails this year.  Every time I see this picture it takes me to that moment in time where I was at peace. 

I hope you are having a great day and that you find something that gives you as much peace as this moment did/does for me.


  1. Just getting back to blogging after a very long break. Beautiful photo--I don't sail, but there is something for me about the ocean that is more peaceful than anything else in the world!

  2. Oh how beautiful! Will have to come and go out with you sometime! I love the water too!

  3. I just checked out your you tube video--fantastic! It makes me want to get out on the water!


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